A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.

It has been an extremely relaxing two week vacation.  I have had time to do a complete mental, physical and emotional reset.  Tomorrow, I return to work.  Like everyone else, I am a tad bit reluctant to give up the freedom that I’ve grown accustomed to.  Sundays have become my time to relax and plan for the upcoming week and 2019 won’t be any different.  In future posts, I will go into detail with each of my planning tools.  For now, here is a sneak peak.

I begin with my Mastermind Journal – my spiritual center (affirmations, intention setting and mindset training)

My next step is Commit 30 – my mental positioning.  The Commit 30 program is based on 30 day goal setting and implementation.

My third and favorite step is  “Happy Planning” – my emotional foundation.  Happy planning allows me to tap in to that decorative, creative Inner child.  I always include both a general and self-care spread.  This is my main planner, where I also include my daily schedule and to-do list.  From there, I move these items over to my Google Calendar, because as “froo-froo” and cute as this all is, if a reminder doesn’t pop up on my phone it’s NOT gonna happen.  🤣  Here are some pictures for this week. While I enjoy sharing my “before the pen” spreads on my planner Instagram, I keep the final pages to myself.

Next time, find out how I tap into my feminine power by becoming a Leader In Heels.



 Cheers to a happy and productive week. I know that I will conquer it…like a BOSS.  💋


LEADERS IN HEELS stationery to nurture, inspire and empower women